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Troubleshooting Common Vaporizer Issues

Troubleshooting Common Vaporizer Issues

Vaporizer not working properly? We are here to help with our guide to troubleshooting your vape. Whether you have the latest smartphone connected vaporizer, a pocket-sized vape pen, or a powerful dry herb vape, it is an investment, and ensuring it is working properly...

Is Vaping Safe?

Is Vaping Safe?

Vaping has been touted as an innovative, effective, and healthy alternative to smoking, but many consumers ask – is it safe? Whether you are new to vaping or have been using a vape for years, you likely want to know if vaping is safe to do each day as a way of using...

When Should I Replace My Vape Atomizer or Cartridge?

When Should I Replace My Vape Atomizer or Cartridge?

These tips and tricks will help you keep your vape pen working and help you determine when it is time to switch to a new atomizer. Your vaporizer’s atomizer is the heart of your vape, converting your battery’s power into heat to convert your vape material into vapor....

How to Use a Vape Pen

How to Use a Vape Pen

Everything you need to know to start using a vape pen, including how to turn it on, how to load it, and how to choose the best heat setting. More and more, consumers are turning to vape pens as their preferred method for enjoying their favorite dry herb or botanical...

What are the Parts of a Vape Pen?

What are the Parts of a Vape Pen?

Everything you need to know about vape pens and how they work. Vape pens have burst into the cannabis market in a big way, as more and more consumers turn to vaping as a healthier, more discreet way to enjoy their dry flower, extract, and oil. Here we look at the...